Is Your Type A Personality to Blame for Alcohol Misuse?

Type A Mom plus away at work while child focuses on homework. Typical day for type A mom.

Have you ever found yourself obsessing over details, planning relentlessly, or getting frustrated when things don't go exactly as you envisioned? If so, you might be wondering, "Am I a Control Freak?" or "Do I have a Type A Personality?" In our quest for perfection and order, it's easy to cross the line from being proactive to being controlling, often without realizing it. This article explores the essence of control issues, the characteristics of Type A personalities, and how to find balance in a world that's inherently unpredictable.

Understanding Control: What Does It Mean to Be a "Control Freak"?

Being labeled a "Control Freak" can come with negative connotations, but at its core, the desire for control stems from a deep-seated need for security and predictability. It's a mechanism we use to mitigate anxiety about the unknown and to ensure that outcomes meet our standards and expectations.

Signs You Might Be a "Control Freak":

  • You have a specific way things need to be done and feel uneasy when they're done differently.
  • Flexibility isn't your forte; deviations from the plan cause you stress.
  • You struggle to delegate tasks for fear they won't be completed to your satisfaction.
  • You've tried to "ease up" in the past, but always resort back to your 'tense' ways
  • You tend to have tension or conflict in a large % of your relationships
Mom stresses over work as she multi-tasks with her son.

Control Issues and Their Root Causes

Control issues often arise from underlying anxieties and fears. PsychCentral highlights that a need for control can be a response to past traumas or environments where unpredictability was a source of distress. Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward addressing control tendencies.

"Am I a Type A Personality?" Understanding the Traits

Type A personality traits include a strong competitive drive, impatience, high levels of stress, and a constant sense of urgency. While being Type A can drive success, it can also lead to burnout and health issues if not managed properly. Characteristics of Type A Person include:

  • A relentless pursuit of goals, often at the expense of personal relationships and health.
  • A tendency to multitask, leading to high stress and anxiety.
  • Difficulty relaxing and enjoying leisure time.

Balancing Control: Strategies for Healthier Coping

Recognizing the need for control and its impact on your life and relationships is crucial. Here are strategies to help balance your need for control and cultivate a more fulfilling life:

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Engaging in mindfulness practices can help you become more aware of your controlling tendencies and learn to let go.
  2. Delegate and Trust: Start with small tasks and gradually build trust in others' abilities to handle responsibilities.
  3. Embrace Flexibility: Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and embrace spontaneity in safe, small doses.


Understanding whether you're a "Control Freak" or have a Type A personality isn't about labeling yourself—it's about recognizing patterns that may hinder your ability to enjoy life to its fullest. By acknowledging these tendencies and implementing strategies to manage them, you can transform your need for control into a strength rather than a source of stress.

If you’ve seen yourself in any of these descriptions and want to explore more about control, personality types, and how to achieve balance, follow us for more insights and strategies:



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Links to Follow-Up Sources:

  • American Psychological Association on stress and personality types: APA Stress
  • Mayo Clinic on Type A personality and its health impacts: Mayo Clinic Type A